Thursday, September 9, 2010

The day is almost here!!!

Hi Everyone

The day has almost arrived and I think we are as prepared as we could ever be. Monday is the big day and we have a few long flights ahead of us. We will be flying out @ 6pm on Monday, September 13th, stopping in Amsterdam and arriving in Johannesburg the following day.

We are very excited and cant wait to get this unforgettable experience started. Check back next week to hear all about our first few days.

Thanks to everyone for all the love and support.


  1. hope you have a great trip! Looking forward to all your blogs, especially the pictures. Maureen take care of that watch! Diane Allen

  2. We six (and I am sure more) want to know how you are doing.

  3. Have a safe and successful trip, everyone...

  4. Hello All,
    I am jealous as I hear about your adventures and the wonderful descriptions of the people singing and dancing. Can you post any pictures? Wish I was there. Keep the stories coming. Have a bowl of seema for me!
