Wednesday, September 22, 2010

These are the teachers houses. Its heartbreaking to think that these teachers who are working so hard day after day have to come home to a house that is unlivable. It looks as though they have been subject to a fire and abandoned, but these great teachers have the entire family living here because the school board tells them the area to teach and provides them the homes. Due to financial situations the teacher cannot afford to renovate or move to better accommodation's.

This is Andrew discussing the necessary work which we will be completing while at Misangu School.

This is where we are staying while in Zomba Malawi called Annies Lodge, with decent food, great staff, hot showers and very comfortable rooms. As you can see we are far from roughing it. Lets be thankful for what we have and remember that things could be much worse.
This is a girl named Felista, who Maureen and Tome met last year on a trip. She is a disabled as a result of Polio but still makes it to school everyday. When we got there her bike tires were flat and her seat was broken, so we surprised her with new tires and a new upholstered seat. It was a beautiful moment to see her reaction when she saw it for the first time, needless to say we were all choked up.

This is Pat with a lady form the World Food Program who cooks maize and soy bean porridge for over 2000 children daily at Misangu school.

Hope you enjoy everyone and keep watching for updates.



  1. If I remember correctly from last year, the teachers had to pay rent on these houses!

  2. It's good to see the Rotary SE Team back in Malawi. It's too bad I couldn't be there for it. I've heard some good things about what you're doing at Misangu Primary School. It's good to see some pictures of Edgar and Felista and the school. I would love to see the new school block and the fixed up teacher's houses. I'll keep my eye on the blog over the next little bit. Or Chris, maybe you could send me a couple pictures? Thanks! It's good to see the great work you guys are doing in Zomba!

