Monday, September 27, 2010

Sports Day!

Today was sports day at the school, with boys playing soccer and girls playing netball.  There were uniforms for all teams, which we had brought from Canada.  We had enough to outfit the boys in grey, red, green and green-blue stripes.  The girls got red, orange, grey and blue outfits. 

The soccer wasn’t quite the World Cup but all the boys teams played with great enthusiasm and skill – and they play barefoot.  The blue-green team won the playoff and each member of the winning team got a Frisbee with all players receiving pens.

There was great excitement at the girls’ netball games.  After each goal or special play there was a wonderful roar of excitement by players and spectators.  When the red team won the playoff there was great jubilation as teams and spectators began running and singing around the school.  The winners received sandals and all players received a new pen.

These student games were followed by two adult games.  At netball the female teachers and wives of teachers took on the Rotary ladies supplemented by a few ringers.  After great thrusts up and down the field in the hot sun, a goal from Monica and 3 attempted goals by Maureen standing on a chair to reach the net, the locals won 5-1.  On the soccer field we had the male teachers against Rotary and carpenters.  Again there was lots of energy and enthusiasm and the game was called for exhaustion with the teachers winning despite the hard effort given by the “elders”.  I got to run the video camera rather than play.

With the skill of the players and the spontaneous support of the spectators, it was a superb day for all.

(Submitted by Jack Robertson)

1 comment:

  1. Great job team! What an amazing experience and what wonderful work you do so far away from home. The kids must have been so happy thanks to you being there. Chris(&Pat), we are thinking of you and are following along. Safe journey and can't wait to hear your stories.

    ECC Group :)
