Thursday, September 16, 2010

We have arrived but 17 bags have not

Hi everyone

We are safe and now in Zomba, Malawi. We have arrived, but 17 bags of luggage have not. Its amazing how little you can get by on when you need to.

Today we visited several places we worked at last year, sush as Kachere and Faith Trust which are community based organizations.  There we were greeted by Mary and Florance who run Kachere and others who gave us a huge welcome with singing and dancing and are happy to see everyone back again. It was great to see how well the projects were doing. The garden and water systems have been improved and some children were there in their pre-school programs.

We also visited the health care clinic Namisalama. The women assisted in the clinic with pregnant woman, many of whom have HIV/Aids, but are in great spirits. Dignitas works closely with this organzation. The men went off the review the work to be done at the Misangu School. 2 classrooms will be added, because of the student enrollement increased by 400 students since we were here last year. Much of this increase was because of the18 new latrines that were installed last year as a result of our visit.

We will be building and painting classrooms, and there are children everywhere. One classroom has 170 students, all who sit on the floor. The new classrooms will be for standard 8. They will receive desks we will be building over the next week.

We visited the market for the first time today aswell and bought several items we will be bringing to the school and clinic.

We will keep you posted over the next few days. We have an early start tomorrow morning at 7am to start the day before it get too hot.

Talk soon,
Monica and Chris


  1. Hi Guys,
    Great to hear that your spirits are up despite missing luggage. Looking forward to reading about your adventure.
    FYI, I will have a District WCS display at the Toronto Microfinance Conference on Oct 2nd and will be showcasing the many ways our Rotary clubs are involved in supporting Reach Out To Africa. includes promo for the Dignitas tri-district project

  2. The updates are wonderful. Thank you.
    It is amazing how you can get by with so little!! We are spoiled.
    Glad to hear everyone is well and in good spirits.
    Thinking of you all with great admiration.
    Terry from Welland
